Why did we go back? It’s really a simple question but there are so many ways to answer it! But first check out this video Kate created!
When we first went to Cancun we definitely fell in love, not only with where we were staying but where our resort was located! We had two beaches on either side of us, many, many pools, and an ocean literally in our backyard, I mean cmon, who wouldn’t wanna go back? To my surprise we didn’t go to the beaches much at all the last time we went to Cancun, this time, of course, was different!

I’m not exactly sure what the deciding factor was for the rest of my family but for me it was the food, holy balls the food was heavenly!! I remember the breakfast being really good but I wasn’t scarfing down two nutella crepes back then, so breakfast didn’t stand out to me too much. This year, of course, was different!! The lunch, oh my gosh, the lunch was AMAZING!! We had chips and guac and tacos every single day for lunch! Now you might be thinking didn’t you get tired of the tacos and the chips and guac, yes yes I did, but we stayed the perfect amount of days so I could pleasantly eat my steak tacos every day! Lunch was one of my favorite things about this resort!

Aside from lunch and breakfast, dinner was so so delicious! The last time we went down there we tried every restaurant and I’m very glad we did that because this year we knew exactly what restaurants were our favorites and what time to go to them! The Asian restaurant was definitely the fam favorite and since I’m a such lover now, it somehow tasted incredibly better than the first time we were there! But seriously, the ultimate deciding factor, was the dessert store! You just walk in and there’s a chocolate fountain and ice cream and cotton candy and jeez louis I was in heaven! chocolate covered marshmallows were my go-to, as well as chocolate covered rice krispies! Now, some of the candy was hella strange, but I knew what tasted good and what tasted off, so I just overloaded on the stuff that i loved!! That place, that place really gets ya in your feels!

OH OH! I cannot forget about the coffee shop! so over the past couple of days I have become a coffee addict so the open coffee shop was obviously a plus for me! I actually didn’t get a lot of their iced coffees or anything but I tried a bunch of their frappes and lemme tell ya, they are hella delicious! We, of course, cannot forget about the amazing pink panthers and pina coladas we would have every day before lunch and before dinner, mhmmm so friction delicious!

Here’s the thing: this place did not have straws the second time we came. Now trust me, I’m all for saving the turtles but I need a damn straw when I’m drinking a cherry coke, or frappe, or a pina colada for crying out loud!! But the coffee shop had stir sticks that were tiny straws so we used those instead LOL.

You can see from my 4 things totes that I LOVE beaches! I could sit on a beach and read all day long, which is pretty much what I did on this vacation (and had my fair share of spicy margaritas). However, I am ALWAYS up for an adventure...ANYWHERE! I love exploring new places and getting out of my comfort zone. There is so much to see in this world and if you ever need a travel buddy, hit me up!

But back to this magnificent resort. I am not usually one to want to go back to the same place twice, however, this location and resort is so spot on that when the girls said they wanted to go back, I was in.
It is so easy to get to and you are pretty much guaranteed perfect weather. It is family friendly so there are a lot of things to do - even for the teenagers. We love to hang as a family so we really get into morning and afternoon ping pong matches and our version of water polo. It is all inclusive with so many options that I never got hungry...surprise surprise. They have a coffee shop, lots of dining options, a 24 hour food area, a food truck, and best of all...a dessert shop! I am pretty sure this is the main reason why the girls wanted to go back LOL!

There is also a great fitness area that overlooks the ocean (if only my treadmill in the basement overlooked an ocean) and many classes are offered like water yoga on a big floating device and beach volleyball. You can even swim with the dolphins! The last time we went the girls swam with the dolphins and loved it.
This resort sits at the end of a long stretch of hotels and there are two sides to the hotel so you can see the ocean on both sides. We would hang out on one side in the morning and get our water polo game in and then we would head to the other side where the beach stretched for miles.
And last but not least we all enjoyed the spa for the afternoon and the girls got their first massages...heavenly.
So the next time you are looking for somewhere to stay in Mexico, I highly recommend this one!
