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Summer Necessities

Ok friends you might want to plug your ears for this one, but SUMMER IS ALMOST OVER! I'm so sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it's true and I am so bummed about it too. It has been such a great summer and don't get me wrong, I still plan on taking advantage of every last day of it. Looking back, there were many things that were crucial to this summer being so awesome and I wanted to share mine with you. Cheers!


~Spicy Margarita...enough said. Recipe here

~Lake Hair Don't Care Hat - wore it every day at the lake

~Starbucks Coffee drink of choice (grande latte with almond milk and one pump of toffee nut syrup)

~Black t-shirt dress (can go out to dinner and eat whatever you want in this dress!)

~White shorts from Old Navy (no bootie sticking out here)

~Black one piece from Abercrombie

~Podcasts (this was my go to podcast on all of our road trips - I love Jessica Honegger!)

~Best wedges from Target

~Acai bowls were my go to this summer

~Oh my gal Jessica Honegger also wrote her first book! I got an advanced copy and it is so good - order your copy here and check out the free goodies if you pre-order the book. Her book comes out on August 14th.

~Speaking of books, this one is a MUST READ too! Girl Wash Your Face


As summer is unfortunately wrapping up, I wanted to share my summer necessities! Things, food, and drinks I live and die for this summer! Usually my family or I are on the go a lot in the summer and these necessities are always on the go with me!


~Rice cakes with peanut butter and bananas (thank you Katie J)

~Starbucks Very Berry Hibiscus Refresher

~Store bought bottles skinny carmel machiato

~CupShe floral bottom and white top bikini set

~Yellow 32 oz. Hydroflask

~University of Minnesota crew neck sweatshirt

~Burt's Bees Moisturizing Lip Balm




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