Ok friends you might want to plug your ears for this one, but SUMMER IS ALMOST OVER! I'm so sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it's true and I am so bummed about it too. It has been such a great summer and don't get me wrong, I still plan on taking advantage of every last day of it. Looking back, there were many things that were crucial to this summer being so awesome and I wanted to share mine with you. Cheers!
~Spicy Margarita...enough said. Recipe here
~Lake Hair Don't Care Hat - wore it every day at the lake
~Starbucks Coffee drink of choice (grande latte with almond milk and one pump of toffee nut syrup)
~Black t-shirt dress (can go out to dinner and eat whatever you want in this dress!)
~White shorts from Old Navy (no bootie sticking out here)
~Black one piece from Abercrombie
~Podcasts (this was my go to podcast on all of our road trips - I love Jessica Honegger!)
~Best wedges from Target
~Acai bowls were my go to this summer
~Oh my gal Jessica Honegger also wrote her first book! I got an advanced copy and it is so good - order your copy here and check out the free goodies if you pre-order the book. Her book comes out on August 14th.
~Speaking of books, this one is a MUST READ too! Girl Wash Your Face
As summer is unfortunately wrapping up, I wanted to share my summer necessities! Things, food, and drinks I live and die for this summer! Usually my family or I are on the go a lot in the summer and these necessities are always on the go with me!
~Rice cakes with peanut butter and bananas (thank you Katie J)
~Starbucks Very Berry Hibiscus Refresher
~Store bought bottles skinny carmel machiato
~CupShe floral bottom and white top bikini set
~Yellow 32 oz. Hydroflask
~University of Minnesota crew neck sweatshirt
~Burt's Bees Moisturizing Lip Balm