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Our Favorite Undergarments

I don't know about you but finding the perfect undergarment (bras, shape wear, etc.) is a nightmare! I just recently tried on SEVERAL strapless bras and found my favorite one - finally! I actually found two! One from Target and one from Victoria's Secret - they are so good. (Side note, I have tried those stick on bras and they do not work for me. I don't think any are small enough for my flat chest. LOL)

This one from Victoria's Secret actually gets more snug and sticky as your body heat rises or you start sweating - genius! This bra is not falling down! And it is super comfortable.

For a budget friendly strapless bra I found this one from Target. I have to admit I must have tried on 10 of them from Target to locate the perfect one and I think this is it! And at only $15 you cannot go wrong.

Another amazing find from Target is my Assets by Spanx shaper - again I have tried several "please hold my tummy in" shape wear and so many of them are super uncomfortable. Not this one! I've actually had this one forever and probably should get a new one. It's amazing.

I have zero boobs, so finding a good bra is so hard. One that doesn't completely flatten my chest, but also one that doesn't have any gaps. I have the most luck at Pink or Victoria's Secret. This Wear Everywhere Wireless Push-Up bra from Pink is so good. It is super comfortable and gives me a little bit of a cleavage - if you can even call it that LOL!

Thank you for reading and let us know in the comments if you have a favorite under garment - we would love to share! Have a great weekend!

~Jen & Elsa


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