So it is hard to believe we are in the month of June! What???!!! Summer has definitely begun and I am so grateful for the warm weather and days at the lake. Which right now those days at the lake have been more than usual with no sporting events keeping us home on the weekends - not a bad thing.
And the month of June also means Father's Day weekend - June 21st by the way :) We put together a few gift guides to help with your Father's Day gift ideas. I used to feel bad for the guys when it came to gifts, but man did we find A LOT of great stuff for any dad out there! Also keep reading all the way to the end as Elsa and I share a favorite memory of Jason :)

Ok these massage gun things I heard really work and we found some on Amazon with a great price point.

There are definitely a few things on this gift guide that would be perfect for my dad :) If you know him, can you guess which ones??? LOL

Jason has been eyeing a Garmin watch for awhile now. And his birthday is in August - we could hit two birds with one stone maybe??? And now Yeti has a backpack cooler! Genius! And I think I might buy the 100 Hikes of a Lifetime for myself!

Ok so Elsa and I wanted to share a favorite memory of Jason on this blog post as well. One of my favorite memories of Jason goes back to 6th grade! We were "dating" at the time and I went to his house for dinner. I mean I can remember it like it was yesterday! Talk about being scared out of my mind and I think he was too. The poor guy made us popcorn while we were waiting for dinner and completely burned it and then he attempted to make a fire in their fireplace which I am sure he had done many times before but could not get it to start. Oh I can still picture his nervous face right now. Oh how I love you so much Jason!

Okay so Father’s Day, a day where we usually don’t get my dad anything because all he wants to do is be at the lake house, ski, and spend time with the family!!! Before saying anything, I just want to mention that these, of course, are not the only two memories I have of my dad!! We make memories every day, especially in quarantine, but you get the point!
So to preface this first memory, it’s crucial that you know that the only sports my dad played in high school were golf, hockey, and football, and then in college he played hockey! The major sports Kate, Emily and I played growing up were softball, soccer and basketball, not even relatively close to the sports my dad played. BUT he was always always always signing up to be our coach/assistant coach when playing those sports! I didn’t think anything of it growing up because I obviously thought it was so cool that my dad was a coach, but when I got older it became hilarious to think about!
My dad loooovveeeedddddd helping Kate, Emily and I with our sports and would give us advice and tips on what we should do in games! Obviously it wasn’t the most specific or correct advice but we always listened to him! When I got into high school my basketball coach was very… interesting? (I’m really not sure how you put his discouraging coaching into words!!!) So when I would play in games, I would always look at my dad in the stands to see what he was trying to tell me or help me do! Every time I sat down on the bench I would look at him and he would either be nodding his head which meant I was doing everything right and playing well or he would make a “drive to the basket" motion or a “shoot the ball” motion which meant I needed to do those things because the lane or shot was open! These are some of my all-time favorite memories 1) because I think it was funny I would look at my dad and not my coach and 2) because I would always look up to my dad and he was always there trying to make me the best basketball/soccer/softball player I could be!!!

Okay so these memories aren’t in order or anything like that but my next memory will always be one of my favorites!! Our church puts on a camp every single summer called Camp Paradise! It’s in the UP of Michigan and it’s a Dad/Daughter and Dad/Son camp (the daughter and son camps are at different times)! Kate, Emily and I all grew up going to this camp which was so SO amazing and I’m so so grateful we got the multiple chances to go! We each went 4 or 5 times which was so incredibly special because we got 5 full days with our dad to ourselves!
What is super fun about this camp is that you have a cabin with 4 other sets of dads and daughters and you spend a lot of time with them, buuuuttttt there are activities and times where it’s just you and your dad doing activities around the lake! There will be times in the day where dads will go off and listen to services and the daughters will go and have bible study to try and learn how God wants us to strengthen our relationships! I’m not even going to lie, this was the coolest experience of my life, I wish so badly that I could go back and relive those days at this camp! There would be days you do ropes courses which were, at that time, the scariest but most fun days of my life oh my goodness! It was all about strengthening your relationship with your dad and it for sure did just that!
DAD I LOVE YOU!!! Everybody make sure to celebrate your dad on this very special day, they deserve it!