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Elsa's at College!

Sooooo college? It’s honestly not so bad!! I mean aside from the interesting dinner options and questionable choice outfits from some people, it’s not too bad!!

There was a point last night where I kind of freaked out and realized I won’t be coming home anytime soon, that scared the crap out of me for a hot second because home is home!! I do miss my family and I miss Bryce a lot and my friends but right now, it just feels like summer camp!

Packing up my clothes felt like a long vacation and packing up my other materials felt like I was literally going away to camp!! Even being here now, I feel like I should be coming home soon! Even my dorm (which is cute as heck) just feels temporary!! Right now my roommate and I are going through welcome week and it feels exactly like orientation! I feel as though once classes start, my reality will really hit!! The people here are nice, that’s for sure, Minnesota people are always nice!! And the U is beautiful, but it all feels so temporary!

Here's a video of our room :)

Okay and food!! Breakfast is actually really good, given that I eat Honey Nut Cheerios and a bagel! I know it’s not the healthiest option but it gets me through the majority of the day, until dinner at least!! And dinner, well that was kind of interesting! The fries were amazing and the pasta wasn’t bad either!! Definitely going to be switching to fruit and salad for my meals soon because I already know I’m going to get sick of the food I’m eating now! Our dining hall is super nice though, it is only 2 years old and it’s probably one of the nicest, if not the nicest dining hall!!

So college is summer camp? It’s interesting and weird and I just need a routine! The welcome week schedule is super loose and spread out so there’s times where I really don’t know what to do! I don’t want classes to start but at the same time I’m ready to be in a routine!!

Basically this is just weird and I miss home! But it also just feels like summer camp! I don’t even know at this point!



She made it! We made it! Well it's only been two days and I went in her room today to grab her laundry that wasn't there but I didn't loose it. Yet :)

Move in was a breeze...this university clearly knows what it is doing. Showed up at 1:00pm and had all of her stuff in her room within 45 minutes and then we spent the next 3-4 hours setting everything up. That was super fun and the dad's were an amazing help.

At one point, I snuck out and walked like 2 blocks away to a Target - what???!!!! Right there by her dorm! I mean I really wanted to go to college after moving her in. Her dorm location is right by the tennis courts, hockey arena and football field. It's such a prime spot and between Amazon Prime and Target pick up, there is no excuse for her not having what she needs.

View from her room...I'm in heaven lol!

We had a blast hanging out with her roommates parents...Minnesota nice through and through. They only live about 20 minutes away and between them and my family being so close, I know anyone can get to her if need be.

This definitely feels like the honeymoon stage as reality hasn't quite set in, but I am so excited for this new adventure for her. It was kind of funny as I looked around at all of the students and thought, college is kind of a weird thing. Plopping a bunch of "kids" in the middle of uncertainty and then saying "good luck!" The concept is crazy when you really think about it.

But aren't these the moments in life where you just have to let go and trust? I am embracing this growth in my life as a mom and trusting God, trusting her, trusting the process, etc. I know there will be moments where it will be really hard, but there will be just as many moments that will be totally AMAZING!





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