Well everyone, the time has tragically come where I am stepping aside from the blog and miss Jen will be taking over (as if we did not see this coming!)!
These past few years doing the blog with my mama have been an incredible journey of experimentation, learning, and love. As we all know the blog has not been my top priority as I’ve gone through college but I’ve loved every bit of the experiences and moments I have shared on this platform. This blog has given my mama and I an opportunity to come together creatively and share our passions, as well as silly family life, with all of you.

After a little family discussion of what we want out of this next chapter of life, we came to the decision that mama will be taking full control of the blog and stepping into her fashion, fitness and lifestyle influencer era! And I am so proud and excited for what’s to come for mama Jen and CoffeeandCannoliBlog as a whole!
As for this next chapter in my life, I’ll be entering the big kid world, considering I just graduated college, staying in Minnesota and working at Aritzia as a style advisor, and simply trying to figure my shit out! But honestly I am really excited; no more school, I’m going to be surrounded by my most favorite people, I have a job that promises professional and financial growth, and hello? summer is finally fucking here!! (Sorry mama, had to put in one last f-word! ;)

I want to say thank you to everyone who has supported my mama and I on this platform and have followed us along over these past few years, it’s been such an amazing journey! And thank you to my sweet mama for taking me along for the ride, I’ve enjoyed every minute of it, and I love you more than life!!!
⁃Cannoli out
